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the new threat of nepotism
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to face sth
As Europa faces the effects of shrinking job market
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stawiać czemuś czoła
As Europa faces the effects of shrinking job market
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kurczący się
(to be) hit hard by sth
The southern European countries hit hardest by the Eurozone crisis are reverting back to the cultural habits that existed before Europa's boom time.
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zostać przez coś boleśnie dotkniętym
to revert back to sth
The southern European countries hit hardest by the Eurozone crisis are reverting back to the cultural habits that existed before Europa's boom time.
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wrócić do czegoś, przywrócić coś
boom time
The southern European countries hit hardest by the Eurozone crisis are reverting back to the cultural habits that existed before Europa's boom time.
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czasy prosperity
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coraz bardziej
sb at the centre of sth
those at the centre of hiring process are bringing in their own connections
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ktoś znajdujący się w samym centrum czegoś
to bring sth in
those at the centre of hiring process are bringing in their own connections
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przynieść, wnieść coś ze sobą
to leave sb out in the cold
leaving much of Europe's young talent out in the cold
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zostawić kogoś z ręką w nocniku, pozostawić kogoś jego własnemu losowi
Profesors believe this kind of entrenched patronage can damage economic growth as qualified people miss out on key position.
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głęboko zakorzeniony
Profesors believe this kind of entrenched patronage can damage economic growth as qualified people miss out on key position.
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patronat tu: wspieranie własnych ulubieńców
economic growth
Profesors believe this kind of entrenched patronage can damage economic growth as qualified people miss out on key position.
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wzrost gospodarczy
to miss out on sth
Profesors believe this kind of entrenched patronage can damage economic growth as qualified people miss out on key position.
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przegapić coś
brain drain
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drenaż mózgów, odpływ wykwalifikowanych pracowników
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profesjonalny, zawodowiec
straight out of sth
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prosto po czymś (np uniwersytecie)
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to stretch across sth
the wave of unemployment stretching right across the EU.
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rozciągać się na coś, być rozpowszechnionym gdzieś
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face an added hurdle - a promising career can be extremely hard to pursue unless you have an inside contact
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face an added hurdle - a promising career can be extremely hard to pursue unless you have an inside contact
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obiecujący, rokujący nadzieję
inside contact
face an added hurdle - a promising career can be extremely hard to pursue unless you have an inside contact
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wtyka, informator
to take on responsibility
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wziąć na siebie odpowiedzialność
new recruit
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osoba nowo przyjęta do pracy
to reflect well/badly on sb
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dobrze/źle się na kimś odbijać
your credentials dont have to be entirely up to scratch
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to be up to scratch
your credentials dont have to be entirely up to scratch
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spełniać wymogi
out of the loop
in Italy though, most people out of the loop dont stand much of the chance
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poza obiegiem, nie w temacie
to stand a chance
in Italy though, most people out of the loop dont stand much of the chance
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mieć szansę
old habits die hard
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trudno wykorzenić stare zwyczaje
to be riding high
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odnosić ogromne sukcesy
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dominujący, powszechny
standard practice
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standardową praktyką
to return/come back with a vangeance
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wrócić w wielkim stylu
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ogromny, olbrzymi
all but
all but disappeared
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praktycznie, niemalże
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za granicą
dissillusioned with
search for better opportunities overseas disillusioned with the country's rapid economic fall from grace
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pozbawiony złudzeń w jakiejś kwestii
search for better opportunities overseas disillusioned with the country's rapid economic fall from grace
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szybki, gwałtowny
fall from grace
search for better opportunities overseas disillusioned with the country's rapid economic fall from grace
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popaść w niełaskę
to mirror
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odzwierciedlać, powtarzać
hard to come by
Britain where work is not so hard to come by
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trudne do znalezenia
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były, dawny
the foreseeable future
The trends looks set to continue for the foreseeable future as Spain edges towards the same critical phase currently being experienced by Greece.
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najbliższa dająca się przewidzieć przyszłość
to edge towards
The trends looks set to continue for the foreseeable future as Spain edges towards the same critical phase currently being experienced by Greece.
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powoli zmierzać ku czemoś
well connected
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o dobrych układach
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środowisko, pochodzenie
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ograniczony, zamknięty
through sb's eyes
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oczami kogoś
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bright talent
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błyskotliwa/utalentowana osoba
to get/maintain a grip on sth
The UK has its own enigmatic class structure which some still feel maintains a grip on the most sought-after position.
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trzymać coś w garści
The UK has its own enigmatic class structure which some still feel maintains a grip on the most sought-after position.
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poszukiwany, pożądany
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cash handout
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dodatek pieniężny, dotacja
to be on the verge of bankruptcy
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być na skraju bankructwa
underlying problem
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to plague sth
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prześladować coś, dręczyć/nękać kogoś
to struggle with sth
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zmagać się z czymś
to compound sth
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powiększyć, pogorszyć coś
to dish something out
as government deals are made between friends who dish out contracts and jobs to personal connections
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wydawać, rozdwać z łatwością
to scrap it out for
graduates are left to scrap it out for menial jobs in restaurants and cafes
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bić się o coś, walczyć o
menial job
graduates are left to scrap it out for menial jobs in restaurants and cafes
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niewdzięczna praca
to put sth on ice
putting their prospective careers on ice until something better comes along
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odłożyć coś na kiedy indziej
until something better comes along
putting their prospective careers on ice until something better comes along
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aż przyjdzie coś lepszego
to highlight
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naświetlić, uwypuklić
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powszechny, typowy
to attain
managing to attain important positions
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osiągnąć, zdobyć
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o zbyt niskich kwalifikacjach
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stary jak świat
an uphill task
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trudne zadanie
to emerge
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pojawić się
consigned to the scrapheap/left on the scraphead
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skazany na zapomnienie, wyrzucony na śmietnik
pastures new
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nowe horyzonty

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