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Domanda English Risposta English
What did you tell them?
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I told them everything.
What did she write?
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She wrote everything.
What did they buy?
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They bought everything.
Where did they go?
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They went everywhere.
What did you say?
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I said everything.
What did you sell?
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I sold everything.
What did we build?
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We built everything.
What did the children break?
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The children broke everything.
What did you bring?
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I brought everything.
What did Adam catch?
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Adam caught everything.
What did Bond do?
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Bond did everything.
What did Daniel forget?
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Daniel forgot everything.
What did Hyunday get?
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Hyunday got everything.
What did you give them?
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I gave them everything.
What did you have?
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I had everything.
What did Mateusz hear?
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Mateusz heard everything.
What did you know before the lesson?
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I knew everything before the lesson.
What did you keep?
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I kept everything.
What did you leave in the car?
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I left everything in the car.
What did the boss mean by that?
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The boss meant everything by that.
What did they pay for?
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They paid for everything

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