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breaking out in hives
She started breaking out in hives all over her body.
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mieć wysypkę
allergic to soy
When she was a baby she had tested allergic to soy.
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uczulenie na soję
encourage to
Doctor encouraged her to keep health diet.
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zachęcać do
cut soy out of my diet
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wykluczyć soję z mojej diety
bring attention
Doctor brings her attention to ingredients in her diet.
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zwrócenie uwagi
allergy-related need to
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wykluczenia/potrzeby wypływające z alergii
took a toll on
This situation took a toll on the young girl's health.
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wpłynęło na
excessive fat
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nadmierny tłuszcz
morph into sth
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przekształcić się w coś
whole wheat bread
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chleb razowy
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budowa ciała
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coupled with
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w połączeniu z
dictate my life
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dyktować/podporządkowywać moje życie
obsession with healthy food escalate
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obsesja na punkcie zdrowej żywności nasila się
break out in acne
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wysyp tradziku
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even suicidal
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myśli samobójcze
coin the term
he first coined the term in 1997.
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użyć/wymyslić termin
pattern of healthy eating
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wzór zdrowego odżywiania
eating disorder territory
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obszar zaburzeń odżywiania
desire to be correct
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pragnienie bycia bezbłednym/własciwym
formal recognition
Some health experts are calling for its formal recognition.
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formalne uznanie

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