P. verbs with GET

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podrzucić kogoś
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drop sb off
podrzucić kogoś z powrotem
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drop sob back
jak mam wam wytłumaczyć
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how can I get it across to you that
mieć dobre stosunki z kimś
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get along with sob or get on with sb
mam dobre stosunki z szefem
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I am getting on well with my boss
Jak wam się układa
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how are you getting on with each other
wsiada do (bus, plane, tram)
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get on the bus
wysiadać z (bus, plane, etc)
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get off the bus
spróbuj go przekonać
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try to get him round
dojśc do siebie (po traumie)
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get over
czy możesz mnie połączyć z Johnem
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Can you get me through with John
to mnie dołuje
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it gets me down
nie ujdzie ci to na sucho
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you will not get away with it
wsiadać / wysiadac (car, taxi)
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get in / get out of the car
przemieszczać się (po mieście)
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get around the city

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