Personal history

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Domanda English Risposta English
enjoy talking about memories
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the most difficult problem to overcome
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the biggest hurdle
a small proportion of correct inf
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a grain of truth
shocking personal secrets from the past
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skeleton in the cupboard
set a limit for sth
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draw a line
seperate line of your ancestry
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branch of your roots
investigate to find unpleasent or damaging inf
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dig up dirty (on sb)
make evidence difficult or impossible to filnd
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cover sb's track
confuse an issue under discussion
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muddy the waters
not share the inf with people who are interested
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keep sb in the dark
make inf public which was unknown form many years
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expose long-buried secrets
ignore or avoid discussion of an issue
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sweep sth under a carpet
spotkanie, potyczka, starcie
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consider, decide
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weigh up
zapas, przechowywać
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