Phrasal verb (2011-10)

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Domanda English Risposta English
blow up at
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to get angry with
score out
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to cross out
score through
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to cross out, to score out
lighten up
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cheer up; used usually in imperatives
blow over
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to become quiet, to become less bothersome or important
draw out
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to produce something, to take something out from
draw down
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to cause something; to make something (usually unwanted) take place
leap up
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to jump up, to get up suddenly
leap out of
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to get out of somewhere by jumping, leaping
fit in with
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to be suitable, to fit
nose out
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to guess or get some information that was hidden
fire ahead
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in imperative structures "fire ahead!" means: "say it!"
fire up
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to make somebody angry
louse up
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to spoil something, to fail to do something

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