phrasal verbs 1

 0    19 schede    FairyFeller
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Domanda English Risposta English
Add up (make sense)
His evidence just doesn’t add up.
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make sense
His evidence just doesn’t ____ (add)
Ask after
]im was asked after you.
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inquire about
]im was ______ you. (ask)
Back down
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yield in an argument
Sheila was right so Paul had to back down.
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Sheila was right so Paul had to _____. (back)
Bargain for
We hadn’t bargained for there being so much traffic
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take into account
We hadn’t ______ there being so much traffic. (bargain)
Bear out
Helen's alibi was borne out by her sister.
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confirm the truth
Helen's alibi was _____ by her sister. (bear)
Break down
David broke down and wept when he heard the news.
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lose control of the emotions
David ________ and wept when he heard the news. (break)
Break off
He broke off to answer the phone.
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stop talking
He______ to answer the phone.(break)
Break up
The party finally broke up at 3.00 am.
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come to an end
The party finally ______ at 3.00 am.(break)
Bring (something) about
The crisis was brought about by Brendas resignation.
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cause to happen
The crisis was _____ by Brendas resignation. (bring)
Bring (something) off
The team tried for years to win the competition and they finally brought it off.
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succeed in doing something
The team tried for years to win the competition and they finally ___ it ___ (bring)
Bring (something) on
Sitting in the damp brought on his rheumatism.
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cause the onset of an illness
Sitting in the damp _____ his rheumatism. (bring)
bring sth on/upon oneself
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cause trouble to happen to oneself
You have brought this on/upon yourself
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You have ___this___ yourself. (bring)
Bring (someone) round
After much discussion I brought the committee round to my point ofview.
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influence someone to your point of view
After much discussion I _____ the committee _____ to my point of view.
Bring (something) up
I feel I ought to bring up another smali matter.
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I feel I ought to _____ another smali matter. (bring)
Carry (something) off
Jane had a difficult role to play but she carried it off.
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complete successfully - perhaps despite a problem
Jane had a difficult role to play but she ____ it ___. (carry)
Carry out
The attack was successfully carried out.
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complete a plan
The attack was successfully ____. (carry)
Catch on
This new hair style is beginning to catch on.
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become popular - colloquial
This new hair style is beginning to _____. (catch)

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