phrasal verbs 2

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Give away
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Betray His false identity papers gave him away.
Give off
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Send of a smell liquid or gas The cheese had begun to give off a strange smell.
Give out
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Be exhausted When our money gave out we had to borrow.
Give over
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Abandon, devote The rest of the time was given over to playing cards.
Give over
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Stop colloquial Why don’t you give over! You’re getting on my nerves!
Give up
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Surrender The escaped prisoner gave herself up.
Give up
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Believed to be dead or lost After ten days the ship was given up for lost.
Go back on
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Break a promise The management has gone back on its promise.
Go in for
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make a habit of. I don't go in for that kind of thing
Go in for
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Enter a competition Are you thinking of going in for the race?
Go off
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Become bad food This milk has gone off.
Go on
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Happen usually negative Something funny is going on.
Go round
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Be enough There weren’t enough life jackets to go round.
Go through with
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Complete a promise or plan – usually unwillingly When it came to actually stealing the money, Nora couldn’t go through with us.
Grow on
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Become more liked - colloquial This new record is growing on me.
Hang onto
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Keep colloquial I think we should hang onto the car until next year.
Have it in for
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Be deliberately unkind to someone – also as have got My teacher has (got) it in for me.
Have it out with
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Express feelings so as to settle a problem I put up with the problem for a while but in the end I had it out with hers.
Have someone on
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Deceive colloquial I don’t believe you. You’re having me on.
Hit it off
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Get on well with - colloquial Mark and Sarah really hit it off at the party.
Hit upon/on
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Discover by chance often an idea They hit upon the solution quite by chance.
Hold out
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Offer especially with hope We don’t hold out much hope that the price will fall.
Hold up
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Delay Sorry I’m late, I was held up in the traffic
Hold up
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Use as an example-i.e. A model of good behaviour John was always held up as an example to me.
Hold with
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Agree with an idea I don’t hold with the idea of using force.
Keep up
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Continue Well done! Keep up the good work!
Lay down
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State a rule especially lay down the law The company has laid down strict procedures for this kind of situation.
Let down
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Disappoint, break a promise. Sorry to let you down, but I can’t give you a lift today.
Let it on
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Allow being part of a secret We haven’t let Tina in on the plans yet.
Let off
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Excuse from punishment As Dave was young, the judge let him off with a fine.
Let on
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Inform about a secret colloquial We’re planning a surprise for Helen, but don’t let on.
(not) Live down
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Suffer a loss of reputation If City lose, they’ll never live it down.
Live up to
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Reach an expected standard The play quite lived up to my expectations.
Look into
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Investigate The police have promised to look into the problem.
Look on
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Consider We look on this town as our real home.
Look someone up
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Visit when in the area If you’re passing through Athens, look me up.
Make for
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Result in The power steering makes for easier parking. M
Make off with
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Run away with The thief made off with a valuable necklace.
Make out
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Pretend Tim made out that that he hadn’t seen the No Smoking sign.
Make out
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Manage to see or understand I couldn’t quite make out what the notice said.
Make someone out
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Understand someone’s behaviour Janet is really odd. I can’t make her out.
Make up
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Invent I think you made up the whole story!
Make up for
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Compensate for Our success makes up for all the hard times.
Miss out
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Fail to include You have missed out a word here.
Miss out
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Lose a chance colloquial Five people got promoted, but I missed out again.
Own up
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Confess colloquial None of the children would own up to breaking the window. O
Pack in
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Stop an activity colloquial John has packed in his job. P
Pay back
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Take revenge colloquial She paid him back for all his insults.
Pick up
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Improve colloquial The weather seems to be picking up.
Pin someone down
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Force to give a clear statement I asked Jim to name a suitable day, but I couldn’t pin him down.
Play up
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Behave or work badly The car is playing up again. It won’t start.
Point out
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Draw attention to a fact I pointed out that I would be on holiday anyway.
Put off
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Manage to succeed It was a tricky plan, but we pulled it off.
Push on
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Continue with some effort colloquial Let’s push on and try to reach the coast by tonight.
Put across
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Communicate ideas Harry is clever but he can’t put his ideas across.
Put down to
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Explain the cause of Diane’s poor performance was put down to nerves.
Put in for
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Apply for a job Sue has put in for a teaching job.
Put oneself out
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Take trouble to help someone Please don’t put yourself out making a meal. A sandwich will do.
Put off
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Discourage - upset The crowd put the gymnast off, and he fell.
Put up
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Offer accommodation We can put you up for a few days.
Put up with
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Tolerate bear I can’t put up with all this noise!

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