Phrasal Verbs with GET

 0    12 schede    juditsu
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to get together with
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spotkać się z
to get over
inizia ad imparare
poradzić sobie
get into
inizia ad imparare
dostać się
get around
inizia ad imparare
przemieszczać się
get back to
inizia ad imparare
get out of
inizia ad imparare
wymigać się
get down
inizia ad imparare
sprzybijać, smucić
get behind
inizia ad imparare
być w tyle z czymś
get by
inizia ad imparare
dawać sobie radę
to get away with
inizia ad imparare
ujść na sucho
to get through to
inizia ad imparare
dotrzeć do
to get on with
inizia ad imparare
dalej coś robić

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