Physical Appearance Vocabulary

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Domanda English Risposta English
in his/her 30s/40s
He's in his 30s but still acts like a child.
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to be 20/30 something
to go grey
My father is starting to go grey.
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to start having grey hair
After quarantine my beard was very scruffy.
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shabby and untidy or dirty
to grow old gracefully
My mother is so elegant, she is growing old gracefully.
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to act in a way that embraces the fact you are getting older
cropped hair
He has short cropped hair.
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to have very short hair
to be overweight
I used to be overweight but then I started to workout.
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above a weight considered normal or desirable
slim figure
During a beauty pageant the contestant show off their slim figures.
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attractively thin and well-shaped body
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