Sports Vocabulary

 0    27 schede    VocApp
Domanda English Risposta English
an away game
Today my school's football team is playing an away game, do you want to come?
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a game played at an opponent's ground
to take up exercise
It isn't easy to take up exercise when you're not used to work out.
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to start training
to train hard
He's training very hard to win the competition.
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to put in all your effort in your training without giving up
to go jogging
He goes jogging every morning.
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to go for a run
sports facilities
Are there any sports facilities in this hotel?
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refers to equipment and places needed to do sports
strenuous exercise
This is a very strenuous exercise.
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requires all your effort and strength
a home game
I'm going to a home game tonight.
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a game played in a team's own stadium, park, etc
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