poznawanie/przedstawianie/reakcje po angielsku

 0    14 schede    jackforest
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Domanda English Risposta English
Hi how are you?
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Fine, thanks. and you
Meet my friend Mark
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nice to meet you
How was your flight
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It was all right
would you like to look around the company?
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yes I'd love to
Would you prefer red or white wine?
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I don't mind
I'm terribly sorry about the delay
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Don't worry about it
Thank you very much
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Don't mention it
How are you?
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fine, thanks. and you?
How have you been?
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Very well. and you
How are things?
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Not too bad, thanks.
How is your girlfriend?
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She's fine
How do you do
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how do you do
Nice to meet you
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nice to meet you too
Please, call me jack
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Then you must call mee...

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