Pytania - Questions

 0    13 schede    kingazak87
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Gdzie jest łazienka?
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Where is the bathroom?
Kiedy odjeżdża pociąg?
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When does the train leave?
Jak mogę dostać się do centrum miasta?
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How can I get to the city centre?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Ile butelek chcesz?
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How many bottles do you want?
Jaki on jest?
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What is he like?
Co mówisz?
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What are you saying?
Kto to jest?
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Who is this?
Czyje to jest?
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Whose is this?
Które miejsca (siedzące) są nasze?
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Which seats are ours?
Dlaczego pytasz?
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Why are you asking?
Mam pytanie.
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I've got a question.
Nie ma łatwej odpowiedzi.
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There is no simple answer.

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