QUESTIONS: What's the question?

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No, I’ve never been abroad.
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Have you ever been abroad?
Adam’s first boss was a demanding guy.
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What was Adam’s boss like?
I’ve been thinking of changing my job for 2 years.
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How long have you been thinking of changing your job?
No, I don’t know where she lives.
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Do you know where she lives?
I’m looking at you.
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What are you looking at?
I have exciting plans for the weekend.
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What plans do you have for the weekend?
Yes, I can tell you when she comes.
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Can you tell me when she comes?
I was waiting for them to make a move.
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What were you waiting for?
8 is afraid of 7 because 7 8 9.
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Why is 8 afraid of 7?
I’ll tell her when I’m ready.
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When will you tell her?
My job is not only interesting but also extremely challenging.
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What is your job like?
Heniek won the lottery.
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Who won the lottery?
Ania told me about the upcoming changes.
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Who told you about the upcoming changes?
I was dreaming about Ryan Gosling last night.
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What/Who were you dreaming about last night?
She’s been preparing her presentation since 8 am.
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What has she been doing (since 8 am)?
I think they are going to ask a few questions and come back to the hotel.
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What do you think they are going to do?
If I could travel anywhere, I’d go to Norway.
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Where would you go if you could travel anywhere?
My car was 19 when I sold it.
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How old was your car when you sold it?
I gave 10 different options to them.
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How many options did you give to them?
The last time I got very drunk was at our last kick-off.
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When was the last time you got very drunk?
She likes men with sense of humour.
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What kind of men does she like?
Two people have taken part in the program so far.
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How many people have taken part in the program so far?
Ingvar would like to drive a blue and yellow Fiat 126p.
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What (kind of) car would Ingvar like to drive?
No, I’m not going to do anything!
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Are you going to do anything?!
Ewa loves Adam.
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Who does Ewa love? / Who loves Adam?
No, I don’t know what his name is.
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Do you know what his name is?
I spent a couple of thousand dollars on the renovation.
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How much money did you spend on the renovation?
I prefer the seat on the right.
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Which seat do you prefer?
It’s quarter to five.
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What time is it? / What’s the time?
My parents are fine, thank you for asking.
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How are your parents?

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