Questions with PREPOSITIONS

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Domanda English Risposta English
I got used to getting up early.
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What did you get used to?
My wife doesn't approve of smoking.
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What doesn't your wife approve of?
The trade unions objected to pay cuts.
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What did the trade unions object to?
They are looking forward to their summer holidays.
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What are they looking forward to?
That Lamborghini belongs to our manager.
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Who does that Lamborghini belong to?
I have succeeded in becoming a good employee.
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What have you succeeded in?
We are worried about our children.
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What/Who are you worried about?
I would like to ask you for a favour.
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What would you like to ask me for?
Sven asked me about the new project.
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What did Sven ask you about?
They have always insisted on a longer lunch break.
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What have they always insisted on?
He was arrested for marijuana possession.
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What was he arrested for?
Kate should apologize to Paul.
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Who should Kate apologize to?
Kate should apologize for her behaviour.
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What should Kate apologize for?
I've never argued with my boss.
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Who have you never argued with?
He begged her for another chance.
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What did he beg her for?
She suspects him of having an affair.
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What does she suspect him of?
He admitted to stealing a projector.
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What did he admit to?
You can choose between a promotion and a pay rise.
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What can I choose between?
You should invest in real estate.
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What should I invest in?
No, I don't know what it depends on.
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Do you know what it depends on?
I'm concerned about my children's health.
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What are you concerned about?
We can provide you with the best apple pie in the world.
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What can you provide us with?
Tom crashed into Gate 2.
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What did Tom crash into?
They charged him for breaking a chair in a restaurant.
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What did they charge him for?
I'll get married to Brad Pitt soon.
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Who will you get married to soon?
She's glancing at that handsome guy all the time.
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Who is she glancing at all the time?
He was boasting about his new car all evening!
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What was he boasting about all evening?
They're fond of going to kick-offs.
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What are they fond of?
Our supervisor would like to ecourage us to being honest with her.
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What would your manager like to encourage you to?
I pride myself in trying to be a good human being.
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What do you pride yourself in?

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