reading, test 1

 0    49 schede    BlackHelen
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bury one's head in the sand
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pretend to ignore the problem
halcyon days
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happy time (czasy świetności)
think twice
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considering what to do (dobrze się zastanowić/przemyśleć coś dwa razy)
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ages, very long time
knock sb for six
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kompletnie kogoś zaskakiwać
bundles of joy
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two children, twins
the best-laid schemes
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perfect plans are ruined
draw the line at sth
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to refuse to do sth; to set a limit
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let bygones be bygones
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to decide to forget about disagreements that happened in the past (co było, to było)
see eye to eye
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agree (zgadzać się)
share and share alike
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dzielić, ale po równo
sons and heirs
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dwaj synowie
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wybierać numer telefonu
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wypłata, odszkodowanie
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oszołomiony, osłupiały
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kusić, nakłaniać
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hulanka, szał
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z wykwintnych sfer
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daleki, odległy
take my mind off sth
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to make myself stop thinking about
to get through of sth
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to come to the end of a difficult period of time
looks after
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is responsible for dealing with
throw sth away
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to lose or waste sth
look forward to sth
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be excited about sth that is going to happen
I have my eye on
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have noticed something and want to buy it
keep sth to oneself
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not tell anyone about sth
change your mind
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change your opinion or decision about
make = force
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let = allow = permit
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hold a meeting
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odbywać spotkanie
hold a position (usually an important job like a chairperson or a director)
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trzymać pozycję
hold an opinion, a view
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utrzymywać zdanie, pogląd
hold someone responsible for
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pociągnąć kogoś do odpowiedzialności
hold your tongue (when you shouldn't speak)
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trzymać język za zębami
hold your breath (when you are waiting anxiously for sth)
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wstrzymać oddech
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z niepokojem, z niecierpliwością
hold your head high (when you are proud of your actions)
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być dumnym z czegoś
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mieć na coś pieniądze (stać kogoś na coś)
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być winnym, dłużnym
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uprawiać hazard, ryzykować
shipping company
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firma transportowa
sensible - sensibly
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rozsądny - mądrze, rozważnie, z sensem
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jakoś, z jakiegoś powodu
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zmartwiony, zmuszony
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śmiałe przedsięwzięcie, wyprawa

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