rings of power

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lekceważyć, nie brać pod uwagę
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to decide that something or someone is not worth considering or giving attention
You shouldn't discount the possibility of him coming back.
kołtun i brudne kosmyki
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a dirty lock of fur, hair
błędnie pamiętam
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wspaniałomyślność, bwielkoduszność
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She is a person of great magnanimity and vision. They were embarrassed into magnanimity by their all-out victory.
jeśli wiesz co mam na myśli
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if you take my meaning
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a skilled craftsman (= someone who makes things):
The production of religious artefacts in Celtic society called for highly skilled designers and artificers.
wymagać (o przepisie, instrukcji)
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call for
My mother's apple pie recipe calls for two glasses of sugar.
samozadowolenie, poczucie bezpieczeństwa (fałszywe)
beztroski, niefrasobliwy
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a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder:
What annoys me about these girls is their complacency - they seem to have no desire to expand their horizons. You can't be so complacent all the time. Grow up.
marzenia, mrzonki, zaduma
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(a state of having) pleasant dream-like thoughts:
to be lost in reverie. He was lost in reverie until he suddenly heard someone behind him. daydream
obręb, rama, granica(powierzchni), OGRANICZAĆ SIĘ DO
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We know that the illness is not confined to any one group in society. The problem is not confined to secondary schools. He was tired of the constant confinement of his office.
odgadnąć (literacko), teolog, opatrzność
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My brother is a divine. Can you divine my name? The divine watches over us.
szczelina, pęknięcie
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a deep, narrow crack, especially in rock or the earth. crevice, crack
oswobodzenie, wybawienie;
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the state of being saved from a painful or bad experience:
We pray for deliverance from our sins. The families hoped for the safe deliverance of their husbands, fathers, and brothers.
zakres, zasięg (czyichś kompetencji)
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the limit of someone's responsibility, interest, or activity:
Some of the bank's lending operations come under/within the purview of the deputy manager, and some are handled directly by the manager. the contemporary university, though, has reached beyond the purview of education
pieczęć, symbol, znak, symbol stworzony dla specyficznego celu magicznego (np. nordyckie runy)
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He had no idea what the last sigil was, either. Put the Sigil in place and let's get out of here
wytryskać(o wodzie), strumień, karzeł, konus
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(to force a liquid) to flow out through a narrow opening in a fast stream. a young or small person who you do not consider to be important and who has behaved rudely towards you:
He squirted some tomato sauce on his burger. There was a leak in one of the pipes and water was squirting out all over the kitchen floor. I caught my neighbour's son writing graffiti on our wall, the little squirt. jet, spurt, gush, spew, spout
mieć się, radzić sobie, wypaść; podróżować
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to succeed or be treated in the stated way:
How did you fare in your exams? Low-paid workers will fare badly/well under this government.
jednoosobowa łódka
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niebawem, wkrótce
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See you anon.
błazenada, wybryki
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secret or dishonest activities, usually of a complicated type:
Like many local governments in the state, the county has a long history of political shenanigans. He told stories of his childhood pranks and prep school shenanigans.
cięcie (nożyczkami), ścinek papieru. tania cena
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to cut something with scissors, usually with small, quick cuts: a product that is being sold cheaply, for less than you would expect:
Have you seen the scissors? I want to snip off this loose thread. I snipped out the article and gave it to her. Give it a snip with the scissors. The sunglasses are now available in major stores, a snip at £12 a pair.
rzepka w kolanie
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I was actually thinking about something else: how easy it would be to break his kneecap
wypracować coś (porozumienie)
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hammer sth out
to reach an agreement or solution after a lot of argument or discussion:
Three years after the accident the lawyers finally managed to hammer out a settlement with the insurance company.
nawałnica, krzyk (wrzask dziecka); głośno wrzeszczeć (o dziecku)
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a sudden strong wind or short storm
Violent squalls signalled the approach of the hurricane. I could hear next door's baby squalling at night
drażnić, dokuczać
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He laughed when I asked if anything had happened to vex him.
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a hard, transparent mineral substance, used in making electronic equipment and accurate watches and clocks
huge pillers that looked as though cut out from the quartz.
polana, polana
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clearing, glade
just make it to the clearing
piskliwy, przeraźliwy; ostra, natarczywa krytyla
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A strident sound is loud, unpleasant, and rough: expressing or expressed in forceful language that does not try to avoid upsetting other people:
People are put off by his strident voice. a strident newspaper article They are becoming increasingly strident in their criticism of government economic policy.
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rozchodzić się (w różnych kierunkach), rozprzestrzeniać się, rozkładać się półkoliście
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fan out
If a group of people fan out, they move in different directions from a single point.
The zebras fanned out when a lion approached them. The radio waves fan out vertically.
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He frequents this club, he's here almost every weekend.
nie bierz tego za pewnik. POWOŁYWAĆ SIĘ
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don't quote me on this
nie bierz tego, co mówię, za pewnik
Can I quote you on that?
obgadywac (AM)
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It's not fair to dish him, he's a nice person. Don't dish, I don't want to hear it.
to co należy i nie należy robić
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dos and don'ts
słabość, wątłość
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weakness and lack of health or strength
Though ill for most of her life, physical frailty never stopped her from working. Most of the characters in the novel exhibit those common human frailties - ignorance and greed.
dokładność, ścisłość; wierność
exact copy
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the degree to which the detail and quality of an original, such as a picture, sound, or story, is copied exactly: honest or lasting support, or loyalty, especially to a sexual partner. accuracy
The best ink-jet printers can reproduce photographs with amazing fidelity. We measure complexity and fidelity of data in terms of polygonal count. I take this ring as a sign of your love and fidelity.
podróżować na gapę, obeżreć się
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stow away
to hide on a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle in order to escape from a place or to travel without paying
She has stowed away many times. I want to stow away during dinner.
przymus (groźba)
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threats used to force a person to do something
He claimed that he signed the confession under duress.
szalenie, bardzo (potocznie)
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precious (preciously)
Hurry up. We have precious little time. There is precious little to do in the house in the evenings.
kierować (np. wysiłek, energię), przeznaczać (fundusze). wyżłabiać, przyjmować ducha do swojego ciała i pozwolić mu przez siebie przemawiać
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to direct
Channel your energy into action. A one million dollars must be channelled to those people. He channeled her name in wood with a jackknife. She claims she can channel Marilyn Monroe.
zastąpić drogę, napaść z zasadzki
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In this open space I was not very likely to be waylaid. Some of the older children had waylaid him on his way back from school.
beczka, brrel
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cask, barrel
a strong, round, wooden container used for storing liquid:
a cask of water/wine
rozrzutny, wystawny, przepyszny, hojny
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My grandpa is very lavish. He gave me 100 dollars.
rzeczywisty (o korzyściach), materialny (o posiadłości), namacalny (o dowodzie
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concrete, that can be valued and touched
He can bring a team together in a special not tangible way.
buntować się przeciwko komuś
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mutiny against somebody
odłóg, ugór, zostawiać odłogiem
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set-aside agricultural fields... usually cultivated land that is allowed to lie idle during the growing season
fallow land, idle land
uczyć pokory, poskromić, zniszczyć (silnego przeciwnika w sporcie)
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They humbled the opposite team, beating them 6:0.
podmuch, nagły ruch (powietrza, woda)
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a soft sound made by something moving fast through the air or like that made when air is pushed out of something:
The train sped through the station with a whoosh. wind is whooshing
namawiać, ująć kogoś pochlebstwem wdzięczyć się, przymilać się
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to try to persuade someone to do something or give you something by praising them or being intentionally charming: coax
She's one of those children who can wheedle you into giving her anything she wants. She wasn't invited, but somehow she managed to wheedle her way in.
śmiec(coś bardzo niskiej jakości), odpady, nieczystość
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something that has no use or no value
So much of what's on TV is pure dross. We read all the manuscripts but 95 percent are dross.
poprawa (ożywienie się rynku, powrót do zdrowia), otrząsać się (po porażce)
zgromadzenie ludzi
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an improvement; to return to a better condition
Share prices fell again today after yesterday's rally. The team played badly in the first half of the game but rallied in the second. The pound rallied against the dollar in trading today. You have to rally, you didn't win but you were great anyway.
stop metali, stapiać
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Steel is a metal alloy whose major components are iron and carbon.
ujawniać się wynurzać się, zwlec się z wyra
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to surface
to rise to the surface of water: to cover a road or other area with a hard surface. If a feeling or information surfaces, it becomes known. to get out of bed:
The submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast. Doubts are beginning to surface about whether the right decision has been made. A rumour has surfaced that the company is about to go out of business. He never surfaces until at least 11.00 a.m.
pompować (np. wodę ze studni; wyczerpywać zapasy (zużywać), męczyć, wykańczać,
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I exhausted two buckets of water from the well. We've already exhausted our supply of food. deplete something of something
przeszukać(dokument, miejsce), szorowacy, pucować
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to remove dirt from something by rubbing it hard with something rough: to search a place or thing very carefully in order to try to find something
You'll have to scour out those old cooking pots before you use them. The police are scouring the area for the missing child. I scoured the shops for a blue and white shirt, but I couldn't find one anywhere.
przymus, ograniczenie: przymuszenie
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something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits: curb, control
The constraints of politeness wouldn't allow her to say what she really thought about his cooking. Financial constraints on the company are preventing them from employing new staff.
gniewny, wściekły
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intensely angry: highly incensed
rychło, zawczasu
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in good time: EARLY
was up betimes this morning
za każdym razem
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at every turn
on every occasion: CONTINUALLY
they opposed her at every turn
jęczeć, stękać; narzekać
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: a low prolonged sound of pain or of grief. LAMENTATION, COMPLAINT
a moan of distress. made a great moan if he had to work. The boy was moaning in pain.
mieć przeczucie, podejrzenie
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have an inkling
had not the faintest inkling of what it was all about. there was no path—no inkling even of a track
stac na krawędzi
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stand upon the brink of
Middle earth stands upon the brink of destructuon. Our country were standing upon the brink of civil war
rozdać, wydawać (wyrok), wymierzać karę
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deal out
to distribute sth upon a group of people
I wonder what kind of punishment the chairman is going to deal out to the traitors. Deal five cards to each of them
w działaniu, mający określony wpływ lub efekt
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to be at work
in motion
there other forces at work

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