rozprawka zwroty

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It is public knowledge that
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Powszechnie wiadomo, że
Many people believe that
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Wielu ludzi uważa, że
Major disadvantage of... is
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Główną wadą jest...
The most important advantage is
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Najważniejszą zaletą jest
The opponents of... claim that
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Przeciwnicy twierdzą, że...
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Po pierwsze
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Po drugie
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Po trzecie
As a result
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W rezultacie
on the one hand
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z jednej strony
To begin with
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na początek
in addition
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w dodatku
What is more
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apart from this
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oprócz tego
all things considered
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Biorąc wszystko pod uwagę
on the other hand
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z drugiej strony
According to
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All in all
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I strongly believe that
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głęboko wierzę, że
I am totaly against
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Jestem całkowicie przeciw

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