SEW 3 10.09.2014

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Shall I replace the old gearmotor with a new version?
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Mam wymienić stary gearmotor na nową wersję?
Shall I visit your company?
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Mam odwiedzić waszą firmę?
Shall we give them an additional discount?
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Dać im dodatkowy rabat?
Shall we go further?*
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Może przejdziemy dalej?
gearmotor has
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gearmotor ma
gearmotors have
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gearmotory mają
to spy on
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enter into
He doesn't want to enter into details at the moment.
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zagłębiać się
get sth down
Did you get her telephone number down?
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to allocate resources
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lokować środki
to measure performance
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mierzyć osiągi, wyniki
to attain objectives
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osiągać cele
to put management techniques into practice
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wprowadzać techniki zarządzcze w praktykę
crisis crises
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kryzys, kryzysy
analysis analyses
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analiza, analizy
to amend
It was necessary to amend the order in the system.
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