SEW Tuesday 08.10.2013 Directions

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kierunki; wskazówki dotyczące kierunków
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down the corridor
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‘w dole korytarza’
third door on the left
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trzecie drzwi na lewo
I’ll leave my bag here if that’s OK with you.
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zostawię moją torbę tutaj, „jeśli to OK dla ciebie”.
pop in
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wpaść z wizytą (do popa)
Pop in for coffee, Bolek.
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Wpadnij na kawę, Bolek.
pop by
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wpaść dokądś po drodze
Do you often pop by Bolek’s office?
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Często wpadasz do biura Bolka?
We have a bet.
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Mamy zakład.
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I’m bad in bed. You bet?
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Jestem zły (słaby ) w łóżku. Zakładasz się?
Say hello to your wife.
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Pozdrów żonę.
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Właściwie to...
On the first floor.
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Na 1szym piętrze.
ground floor
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underground parking
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parking podziemny
go out of the office / get out of the office
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wyjdź z biura
turn left
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skręć w lewo
to get to the lift / the stairs
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dotrzeć do windy / schodów
pass boss’s office
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miń biuro szefa
in front of = opposite
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round the corner
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za zakrętem
next to
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obok, następny za
Come with me and I’ll show you where it is.
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Chodź ze mną I ja pokażę ci, gdzie to jest.
over here
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over there
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