SEW Wednesday 20.11.2013 Eating out

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Are you nuts?
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How do / did you find the caviar?
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Jak znajdujesz kawior?
- How did you like it? - It was delicious. - Glad to hear it.
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- Jak ci smakowało? - Było pyszne. - Miło mi to słyszeć.
I’m stuffed. / I’m full.
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Jestem objedzony.
You mentioned your mother-in-law earlier.
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Wspomniałeś swoją teściową wcześniej.
That sounds great.
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Brzmi świetnie.
That would be nice.
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Byłoby miło.
What do you mean?
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Co masz na myśli?
play the piano / guitar / violin
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grać na pianinie / gitarze / skrzypcach
I’m jaded.
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Jestem wykończony/a.
I’ll get it.
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Ja to wezmę.
This is on me.
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Ja płacę. (to na mnie)
That’s very generous of you.
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To bardzo ‘hojnie’ z twojej strony.
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round up the total
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zaokrąglić sumę
split the bill
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podzielić rachunek
tap beer / draft beer
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piwo lane
bottled beer
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piwo butelkowe
straight whisky
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samo whisky
whisky on the rocks
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whisky z lodem
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Enjoy your meal!
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You pay the cashier, please.
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Płacisz przy kasie / barze.

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