Skipper 28

 0    28 schede    KalinaBlanca
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Domanda English Risposta English
alleviate (the) pain/ ymptoms:
Take two of these. They'll alleviate the pain.
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to reduce the amount/effect of pain/symptoms. [Note: alleviate is also used with boredom, a problem, anxiety, poverty]
to contract a disease / illness
It was during his trip down the Amazonthat he contracted malaria
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to catch/fall ill with a disease/illness: not used with minor illnesses in spoken English
to give blood:
Hospitals are appealing to donors to come forward and give blood.
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to voluntarily have blood taken from you so that it can be stored and used for sb else at a later date
to make a recovery:
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to get better
to nurse b back to health:
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to help sb get better
to perfonn an operation
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to operate on sb
to reduce the swelling
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do sth (put ice on the swelling) or take some medicine which will return the swollen part of your body back to its normal size
to regain consciousness
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to 'wake up' having previously fainted/ been unconscious; to come round/to
to respond to treatment:
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to get better as a result of taking a particular medicine, etc
to take effect
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to start to work (for a medicine, a painkiller, an anaesthetic)
to treat an illness
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to try and cure an illness
to undergo surgery
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to have a surgeon operate on you
to b admitted to hospltal:
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to be taken into hospital
to be allergic to something:
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if you areallergic to sth (cats, dust, nuts, etc), your body reacts to it in a negative way - perhaps you start sneezing, or perhaps you get a rash
to be on antibiotics
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to be taking antibiotic medicine
a cure for a dlsease
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a medicine or medical treatment that will get rid, of an illness or a disease
to die of sth
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if sb dies of a particular disease/illness, it kills them
to be discharged from hospital
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to be allowed to leave hospital
to be in intensive care
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to be in a hospital ward where people who are very ill are treated and looked after
to be on the mend
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to be getting better
to get medicine on prescription
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you must have a prescription to obtain it
to be rushed to/ into hospital
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to be taken to hospital very quickly
to be in good shape
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to be fit and healthy
to be under a lot of stress
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to be unable to relax because you are worrying a lot
to suffer from something
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to have a particular illness or disease
to be susceptible to something
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to be the kind of person who easily catches a disease or illness
to hang by thread:
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if one's life is hanging by a thread they are very ill and likely to die
to take Its toll/a heavy toll on
Working down the mines for so many years had taken its toll on his health.
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to have a bad effect on

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