Słówka 8.02

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Domanda English Risposta English
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dirty, unclean (of language)
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apparent, rzekomy
easy pickings
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money that can be earned easily
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exhausted mentally
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great fear
to abhor
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wzdrygać się, brzydzić się, feeling of disgust
to put your backs into it
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use all your strength to do sth
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extremely tiring, wyczerpujący
a slave-driver
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sb who makes people work really hard
to be in anguish
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mental or physical pain (or both)
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(remark) without mening, silly, niedorzeczny
to bear the brunt
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to accept the greatest impact of sth
a head-on collision
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with the front part first (zderzenie czołowe)
to sport
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to show proudly
with an air of sth
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with impression given
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not nervous, undisturbed
to proliferate
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to multiply
teasingly inconclusive
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annoyingly, provocatively inconclusive
to stymie sb
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pokrzyżować szyki, to prevent form doing sth, obstruct
to be preoccupied with sth
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to be busy
to ascribe sth with sth
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to attribute sth to sth
please keep track
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please continue
keep it up
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do what you are doing sth, obstruct
a search party
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grupa poszukiwawcza
to impress sth on sb
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to make sb keenly aware of sth
a flight of stairs
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ciąg schodów od podestu do podestu
to be at crosswords
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to be at decisive point of life
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a layer or a level, group of people that form a class, warstwa +l. mn
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difficult to destroy, meant to last of a long time, trwałość, wytrzymałość
the powerhouse of sth
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the most important element
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giętki, prężny, gibki, easily bent, flexible
along with
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together with
swivel sth round
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obrotowe, a (...) chair, turns around
to spin
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to cause sth to turn around, obracać, wirować, obrót
to revolve
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to turn around (... ing gate)
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zagadka, puzzling problem, question
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sth that is difficult to understand
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zagadka, puzzling problem,
to expand
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to make sth greater, wider
to expend
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to use
to undo
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rozpiąć, odwiązać
to unravel
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to cause sth to be clear, to explain sth difficult, pruć, rozwikłać
to unscramble
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rozszyfrować, posortować, to decipher
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rozwijać, rozluxnić się, relaxing
to fuse
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wywalić/spalić bezpiecznik, stopić się, to cause sth to become liquid by heating it
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połączyć się, cause sth to combine
to devour
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wyżreć, pożreć, to eat quickly and dreedily
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obvious (lie), jawny, rażący, dobitny, bezczelny
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wybitny, znakomity, wyjątkowe, perfect
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natrętny, męczący, nieznośny, noticeable, too obvious
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sławny, wybitny
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niezachwiany, niezłomny, bezgraniczny, loyal, not changing
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difficult to carry/move/operate
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przediwny, niesamowity, osobliwy, extraordinary, beyond what is normal
exude sth out of sth
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to retain
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to keep continue to have (... memory)
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podnosić, dźwigać, unosić się, to lift sth with effort
to shoulder sth
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to bear sth
to masticate
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przeżuwać, formal to chew
to gape
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gapić się
to glimpse
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to look at sb long showing admiraiton, ujrzeć
to gawk
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gapić się, ciemięga, to stare impolitely or steadily

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