Słown. l.6

 0    19 schede    szarlotka72
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Domanda Risposta
order lunch for our employees
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zamawiać obiad dla naszych pracowników
a lot of foreigners
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dużo obcokrajowców
should look smart
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powinien wyglądać elegancko
She should
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Ona powinna
She shouldn't
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Nie powinna
It doesn't matter.
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To nie ma znaczenia.
high heels, high heels shoes
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wysokie obcasy, buty na obcasie
I wear skirts.
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Noszę spódnice.
Is it Helen? Yes, it is.
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Czy Helen? Tak to jest.
Is it you?
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Czy to ty?
at my parents'
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u moich rodziców "
at home
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w domu
at my aunt's
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u mojej ciotki
at my friend's
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u mojego przyjaciela
at my friends'
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u moich przyjaciół "
I think so.
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Myślę, że tak.
cloudy, sunny
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pochmurnie, słonecznie
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