słownictwo do opisu obrazków 2

 0    22 schede    adrian7240
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Domanda Risposta
In the foregnaund
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Na pierwszym planie
In the backgraund
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w tle
In the photo
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na zdięciu
there is lore
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znajduje się
At the top
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na górze
At the betton
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na dole
It seenis to me that
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wydaje mi się że
he, she, they seen to be
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wydają się być
In the middle of
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w środku
I would like to buy a good birthday gift for my friend
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chciałbym kupić dobry prezent na urodziny mojej koleżanki
you have to pay for the ticket
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musisz zapłacić za bilet
not allowed to touch
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nie wolno tego dotykać
the plane did not have to be in place all the time
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w samolocie nie musisz być w miejscu cały czas
a baseball bat
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kij beizbolowy
a blankiet
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a hockey pitch
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boisko do hokeja
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a cool box
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przenośna lodówka
sport facilities
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obiekty sportowe
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