Structures_12.04.2016/ 19.04

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friction - 1) he action of one surface rubbing against another (tarcie)/ 2). conflict
. friction may arise between X and Y.
giełda towarowa
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commodity exchange
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officially join/ become a member of organization
have political muscle
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power / influence
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zapytanie / prośba
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inquiry / enquiry
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obalić rząd
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overthrow the government - remove forcibly from power
korzystać z prawa, powoływać się na prawo
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exercise their right to/ INVOKE the right to
kryzys ekonomiczny/ gospodarczy
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economic depression
obsolete equipment
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outdated equipment
contradict well-established thoeries
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deny the truth
zaprzeczyć wszelkim sugestiom, pomówieniom
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REPUDIATE all suggestions, allegation
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pragmatic - a person who makes choices depending on the expected result/ practical, realistic
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incessant - cntinuing without pauses
incessant noise
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pattern - repetitive configuration
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affluence - wealth.
Japan enjoy a great deal of affluence due to economic growth.
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sketch - brief description
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cumbersome (large, heavy -> difficult to handle, t carry
spięcie elektryczne
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short circuit
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angle- space between two lines measured in degrees
rynek krajowy
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domestic market
dać pracownikom zachętę, motywację
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give employees inducement, incentive
small proportion=
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strach przed
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dread of open spaces, horror of spiders, fear of snakes
rozwaga, rozstropność
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prudence (wisdom)
zreformować proces
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reform process
wprowdzać zmiany np do projektu
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redrawing - a process of intriducing changes
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icon- a person who other people want to follow
stereotype - public shared opinion. image of smb/sth
neutral vs impartial
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neutral - not supporting either side
impartial - unbiased, treating all rivals equally
załatwiac interesy
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transact business
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rectangle - geom. figure having two pairs of sides...
etap przejściowy
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halway/ inermediate stage
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water evaporated, leaving behind only salt crystals
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code of ethics
. Doctors have code of ethics which requires them to act in the best interest of their patient.
rywalizacja miedzy rodzeństwem
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sibling rivalry
political spectrum
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political spectrum
decyzja uzależniona od
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the decision CONTINGENT UPON
łączna wartość firmy
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the AGGREGATE/ total value of the company
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braterskie wsparcie
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fraternal support
studenci muszą przestrzegać regulacji
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Students must ADHERE TO regulations
zajęcia pokrywały się z imprezą
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classes coincided with the event
wpływy prezydenta przenikają kazdy aspekt
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influences pervade every aspect of the president
na szkodę, na niekorzyść
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to the detriment of...
zasoby ropy są ograniczone(skończone)
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oil resources are (finite)
flota statków
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fleet of ships
sztywne, nieugięte zasady
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rigid rules
świadek odmówił złożenia zeznać
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witness refused to testify / give evidence
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discern, notice
rośliny wydzielają ciecz
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Plants EXUDE liquid
uniwersytet przydziela limit 500st na studenta
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university allocates limit 500st per student
dzieci pozbawione milości
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children deprived of love
studenci sfrustrowani niedoborem książek
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Students frustrated AT lack of books
jakby za sprawą magii
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as if by magic
głosować według linii partyzanckich
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vote ALONG partisan lines
rozpraszacz energię bez powodu
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Dissipate energy for no reason
niemożliwym jest ustanowienie prawa przeciwko ludziom...
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it is impossible to legislate against people...
kompletna strata czasu
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UTTER, complete waste of time
zakładając, że
wprowadzono pasy przy założeniu, że to zmniejszy ilość ofiar
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seatbells were introduced, on the premise that this would reduce the numer of...
jeśli rodzice wyrażą zgodę, możecie wziąć ślub
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if the parents GIVE THEIR CONSENT, you can get married

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