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Andy hurriedly packed his bags.
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Andy pospiesznie spakowal torby.
What's in this package?
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Co jest w tej paczce?
The book has 500 pages.
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Ksionrzka ma 500 stron.
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain.
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Nagle poczulem ostry bul.
The paint isn't dry yet.
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Farba nie jest sucha jeszcze.
She has 20 pairs of shoes.
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Ona ma 20 par butow.
Her face was pale as death.
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Jej twarz byla blada jak smierc.
Put the bacon in the pan.
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Polurz boczek na patelnie
In a panic, he jumped out of the window.
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W panice on wyskoczyl przez okno.
Bring me some wrapping paper.
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Przynies mi troche papieru pakowego.
There's a parcel for you.
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Jest dla ciebie paczka.
Each parent must sign the form.
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Karzdy rodzic musi podpisac formularz.
They went for a walk in the park.
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Oni poszli na spacer do parku.
The form has two parts.
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Formularz ma dwie czensci.
I have no particular reason.
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Nie mam szczegulnego powodu.
Let me introduce my partners.
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Prosze pozwolic me przedstawic moich wspulnikow.
We're having a party on Friday.
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Wydajemy przyjencie w piontek.
Simon passed his driving test.
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Simon zdal egzamin na prawo jazdy.
Read the passage and answer the questions.
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Przeczytaj fragment i odpowiedz na pytania.

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