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She got a shock when she heard the news.
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Ona doznala szoku gdy uslyszala wiadomosc.
I took my shoes off in the hall.
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Zdjolem buty wprzedpokoju.
The film was shot in Rome.
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Film zostal nakrencony w Rzymie.
He went to the shop to buy some food.
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On poszedl do sklepu by kupic troche jedzenia.
Let's do some shopping.
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Zrubmy zakupy.
He tried to swim to the shore.
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On prubowal doplynonc do brzegu.
It's a short film about Africa.
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To jest krutki film o Afryce.
We heard shots.
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My uslyszelismy strzaly.
You should study more.
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Ty powinienes wiecej sie uczyc, studiowac.
He looked at me over his shoulder.
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On spojrzal na mnie przez swoje ramie.
Don't shout at me!
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Nie krzycz na mnie.
I showed them the photos.
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Pokazalem im zdjencia.
I'll have a shower before we go out.
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Wezme prisznic zanim my wyjdziemy.
Shut the door silently.
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Zamknij cicho drzwi.
I was sick and couldn't go to work.
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Bylem chory i nie moglem isc do pracy.
His dog stood by his side.
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Jego pies stal przy jego boku.
His sight is failing.
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Jego wzrok zawodzi.

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