sure, likely, possible etc

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Jestem pewien, że przyjdzie.
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I am sure he will come / he will definitely come
on prawdopodobnie przyjdzie.
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he is likely to come / He will probably come
możliwe jest, przyjdzie.
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it is possible he will come / He might /may not come.
Jest pewien, że nie przyjdzie
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He is sure not to come. / He certainly won't come
look at this black clouds!
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it's going to rain!
Look at that child!
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She is going to fall of the bike in a minute.
spodziewam się dziecka.
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I'm going to have a baby.
co zamierzasz robić po południu?
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what are you going to do in the afternoon?
Are you ready to order?
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I will have tea, please.
Powiedz mu, żeby zadzwonił do mnie, kiedy go zobaczysz.
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Tell him to phone me when you see him.
Nie wiem, kiedy przyjdzie.
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I don't know when he will come.
you won't get driving licence till you aren't eighteen.
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you won't get driving licence until you are eighteen
I don't have money. I won't buy a car
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If I had more money I would buy a car
I don't know English. I can't translate it
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If I knew English I would translate it.
Gdyby był tu mógłby nam pomóc
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If he were here he would help us
Woda wrze, kiedy ja zagotujesz
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The water boils if you heat it
psy szczekają, jeśli ich rozdraznisz.
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the dogs bark if you tease them.
Aktywuj alarm jeśli widzisz ogień.
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Activate the alarm if you see fire.
Co mamy zrobić z pijanym sprzedawcą?
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what shall we do with drunk seller?
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wipe out
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throw away
udać się do
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head for
wypaść z mody
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fall out of fashion
przysłonić (światło)
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block out
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put out
orzech ziemny
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pręgowany kot
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tabby cat
jest mało prawdopodobne, że przyjdzie
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he is unlikely to come / He probably won't come.

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