Szymek 4/6c-d

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Domanda Risposta
bać się (czegoś)
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be afraid of
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Co o tym myślisz?
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How do you feel about it?
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Jesteś pewien, że to bezpieczne?
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Are you sure it's safe?
Nie bądź niemądry
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Don't be silly
Zabierz to ode mnie
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Get it away from me
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Boję się pająków
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I'm afraid of spiders
Przeraża mnie krokodyl
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I'm terrified of crocodile
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Oh my dear!
O mój Boże!
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Oh my goodness!
Co to jest?
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What is it?
W czym problem?
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What's the problem?
Cos nie w porządku?
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What's wrong?
Chciałbyś zobaczyć moje nowe zwierzątko?
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Would you like to see my new pet?
Chciałbyś spróbować?
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Would you like to try?

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