T 5 Understanding contracts 1

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In the event of
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amount or level
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while (u)
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Until such time as
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Due to the fact that
while (d)
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During such time as
at least
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Not less than
in force, legally valid
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[to be] In effect
way of reparing sth
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despite of, in spite of [pomimo]
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rest of sentence is true only in a limited way [do pewnego stopnia]
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Inasmuch as
evidence that for some reason cannot be presented in court
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Inadmissible evidence
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Prior to
depending on
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Subject to
A person or company selling goods to the public
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to be valid no longer because the time passed
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to expire
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no longer to be used
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to fall out of use
to confirm that you have a receipt
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to acknowledge a receipt
in delivery
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In transit
place and surroundings where the business is conducted
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a model of a contract
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to do sth from the very beginning
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to do sth from scratch
part of the contract that gives the background information about the contract
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included in
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Incorporated in
to be formed intro a registered company
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a list of goods or services that you have received, showing how much you have to pay for them
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an extra document that is attached to the contract giving information that is too detailed to be included in the body of the contract
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taking into consideration
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employee under a contract of service
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Strony umowy
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parties to the contract
Poprawka do
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amendment to
w zależności od dostępności
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subject to avalibility
Zwrócić uwagę
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to draw sb’s attention to sth
Być przedmiotem umowy
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to be subject to a contract
Na mocy umowy
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under a contract
Mieć coś powierzone
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to be entrusted with
W zamian za
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in exchange for
być w siedzibie
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To be on premises
płacić z góry
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To pay in advance
płacić z dołu
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To pay in arrear
ponosić koszty
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To incure/ to bear expenses /a cost
doręczyć document komuś
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to serve a document on/upon sb
person entusted with the fulfilment of a role or performance of a task on behalf of his principal
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obtaining or purchase
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zamówienie publiczne
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Procurement contracts
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w okresie obowiązywania umowy
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During/throughout the term of an agreement
of the gratest importance
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Of the essence
breaching party
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Defaulting party

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