take off take back turn off

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indossa (metti su) il tuo cappotto
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put on your coat
togliti le scarpe
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take off your shoes
ecco il tuo cappotto, indossalo
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here is your coat, put it on
le tue scarpe sono sporche, toglile
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your shoes are are dirty, take them off
è buio, accendi la luce
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It's dark, turn on the light
ho spento la luce e spento la televisione
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I switch off the light and switch off the television
quelle sono le mie chiavi, puoi raccoglierle?
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those are my keys, can you pick them up?
portalo indietro il mio libro
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bring it back my book
ho portato la mia nuova giacca indietro al negozio, era troppo piccola
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I took my new jacket back to the shop, it was too small for me
ho le chiavi di sara, devo dargliele indietro
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I've got the sara's keys, I have to give them back to her
ho letto la lettera e poi l'ho rimessa nella busta
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I read the letter and then I put it back in the envelope
togliti il cappello
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take off your hat
lui posò giu la borsa
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he put down the bag
lui indossò (mise su) gli occhiali
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he put on his glasses
chiudi il rubinetto
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turn off the tap
spegni la luce. spegnila.
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turn off the light. turn it off.
la nuova lampada non funziona, andrò a portarla indietro al negozio
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the new lamp doesn't work, I'm going to take it back to the shop
c'erano dei fiori sul prato, cosi li ho raccolti
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there were flowers on the lawn, so I picked them up
il riscaldamento era accesa, cosi l'ho spento
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the heating was on, so I switched it off
grazie per i libri, non dimenticherò di portarli indietro
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thanks for the books, I won't forget to bring them back
spegni la sigaretta
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put out the cigarette
depenna le parole che hai gia controllato
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cross out the words you have already checked
è una bella giacca, posso provarla?
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it's a nice jacket, can I try it on?
ieri ho provato due maglioni
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yesterday I tried on two sweaters
non mollare
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do not give up
cerca quella parola in un dizionario
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look up that word in a dictionary
alza la radio
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turn up the radio
demolisci il muro
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knock down the wall
butta via la spazzatura
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throw away the rubbish
metti via la tua roba
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put away your stuff
ti ripagherò la prossima settimana
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I'll pay you back next week
domani devo portare in giro i clienti
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tomorrow I have to show around the customers
amo questi dischi, non buttarli via
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I love these records, do not throw them away
ho provato un paio di scarpe
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I tried on a pair of shoes
riempi il questionario
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fill in the questionnaire
devo ripulire la mia casa
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I have to clean up my house

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