test czwarty

 0    45 schede    karozero27
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Domanda English Risposta English
to come by
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to pop in
to be determined to do sth
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to be intent on doing sth
shortly before sth
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at short notice
to come out, evidence
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to come to light
to confuse sb with sb
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to mistake sb for sb
to be proud of (2)
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to pride yourself on sth to take pride in sth
to give sb sth
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to present sb with sth
pay using cheque
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pay by cheque
search (2)
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in search of sth to search for sth
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it occured to me that
as a result of sth.to...
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to result from sth
to get rid of sth
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to dispose of
shoot... sb
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shoot at sb
to protest...
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to protest against
... opposition...
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in opposition to sb
admission... invitation
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admission is by invitation only
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sbs insistence on sth
to make sb angry
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to get on sbs nerves
to finish using medicine
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to come off medicine
to be against
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to come up against
to find sth out, imagine
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to come up with sth
to stop doing/using sth
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to cut down on sth
to interrupt on a conversation
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to cut in (on conversation)
to drive in the way of other car
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to cut in on sb
to pick a part of sth and take it out
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to cut out sth form sth
to be perfect for sth
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to be cut out to do sth/for sth
to update whats going on
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to catch up on sb/with sb
deal with sth
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do away with sth
to become popular
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to catch on
I want/need a snack
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I could do with a snack
idle(opposite of active)
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to come to some place(2)
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to turn up, to show up
to reject sbs request
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to turn down sb
To jest pierwszy raz, kiedy widzę lwa/To był pierwszy raz kiedy widziałam lwa
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It's the first time I have seen a lion/ It was the first time I had seen a lion
to find by chance
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to come across
sb who can't read and write
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raz na zawsze
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once and for all
dobrze się czytać(książka dobrze się czyta)
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read well
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state of being poor
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sceneria, krajobraz
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to go somewhere with some person
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to accompany sb

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