the innoccent 1.2

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alguien oyó o vio algo raro?
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Did someone hear or see something strange?
me traicionaste
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you betrayed me
Nunca te traicionaré
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I will never betray you
que sentido tiene?
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what's the point
ya lo he hecho
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I've already done it
a veces creo que me lo merezco
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sometimes i think i deserve it
te lo mereces
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you deserve it
lo que yo crea es irrelevante
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what I believe is irrelevant
usted cree en el karma?
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do you believe in karma?
Según el kama, todos tenemos libertad para elegir entre bien y mal
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According to the kama, we all have the freedom to choose between good and bad
has hecho el bien recogerás cosas buena
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you have done good you will collect good things
demasiado daño
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too much damage
A quien dañaste?
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Who did you hurt?
elegir entre bien y mal
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choose between good and bad
el cráneo
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El cerebro
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Golpear duramente a una persona.
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Hitting a person hard.
algo que no supiera ya?
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something I didn't already know?
es solo el principio
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it's just the beginning
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a que te refieres?
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What do you mean?
Los complejos tienen bastante pocas
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The complexes have quite a few
por delante y por detrás
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Ahead and behind
no tengas miedo. agui estamos para aydarte
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do not be afraid. here we are to help you
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puedes tocar una distinta?
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can you play a different one?
por eso no lo conté antes
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that's why I didn't tell it before
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me daba vergüenza y tengo miedo
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I was ashamed and I am afraid
Estoy avergonzado vuelvo a fumar
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I'm ashamed I go back to smoking
deberías verlo
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you should see it
Debería haber estado en mi cuarto
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I should have been in my room
que pasó luego?
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What happened later?
no le vi la cara
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I did not see his face
sobre qué hora fue?
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what time was it?
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catch me
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nadie me pillara ahí
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no one will catch me there

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