the innoccent

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algo consigue derrumbarte
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something gets you down
y que hago?
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and what do i do?
venga, despidete de tu padre
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come on, say goodbye to your father
cuando te vere?
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when I will see you?
¡Date prisa!
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Hurry up!
la persona que decia mas te queria te abandono
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the person who said he loved you the most left you
te encierras en tu pasado
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you lock yourself in your past
te encierras en ti
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you lock yourself in
sin saberlo
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without knowing it
nunca te has sentido tan sola
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you have never felt so lonely
golpeas fuerte para disolver la rabía
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you hit hard to dissolve the rage
no aprendes a perdonar
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you don't learn to forgive
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nadie más te haga daño
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no one else will hurt you
quieres dejar atrás el dolor
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you want to leave the pain behind
quieres fortalecerte
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you want to get stronger
le harás vivir en ti, pero serás mejor que el
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you will make him live in you, but you will be better than him
no vas a rendirte
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you are not going to give up
no voy a rendirte
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I will not give up
soy un luchador
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I'm a fighter
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nadie jamás volvera a rechazarte
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no one will ever reject you again
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turn / change
han pasado 5 años desde que todo se torcio
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it's been 5 years since everything went wrong
Lo estoy intentando
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I'm trying
hoy no ha bajado a desayunar
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he did not come down for breakfast today
he subido de peso
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I have gained weight
ha subido a su habitación y no la he visto
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She has gone up to her room and I have not seen her
no quiero parecer insensible
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I don't want to seem insensitive
no conteremos nada
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we will not say anything
he pensado en ti, mucho todos estos anos
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I've thought about you a lot all these years
como te va la vida?
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how are you doing?
no, que yo sepa
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not that I know
La vida es del color que tú elijas
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Life is the color of your choice
lo que tu eliges?
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what do you choose?
Elijo este
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I choose this

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