travel 1

 0    22 schede    FairyFeller
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Domanda English Risposta English
hurtle towards
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gnać, toczyć się
volume of the traffic
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natężenie ruchu
din (noise)
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air in inglese
atmosfera, nastrój
ahead of schedule
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przed czasem
break the journey
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zrobić przerwę w podróży
hail a taxi
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< > a taxi (zatrzymać)
grind to a halt
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slow down to a stop (grind)
bring into operation
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sprawić by coś zaczęło działać
set sb down
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wysadzić pasażera
come into view
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zobaczyć coś
call at (arrive)
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przybyć gdzieś
take sth in one's stride
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deal with a problem (stride)
be on one's last legs
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be very tired
get off on the wrong foot
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wstawać lewą nogą
miss the boat
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fail (boat)
it's a crossroads
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a moment of change (crossroads)
alight/ disembark
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wysiadać z
give the go ahead
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dawać komuś zgodę (ahead)
be made up of
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składać się z
go back on promises
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nie dotrzymywać obietnicy
the PM is quoted as saying...
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the PM is quoted as saying...

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