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poruszać ustami do muzyki (udając, że się śpiewa)
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move their lips to the music (pretending to be singing)
(short for lip synchronization)
is a technical term for matching lip movements with sung or spoken vocals.
brakuje mi tchu
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I'm out of breath
stanąć do walki
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to square off (AmE)
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stress-timed languages (e.g. English)
słowa, które mają znaczenie
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words which CARRY the meaning
słowo wtapia się w inne
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word blends into the other
rodowity mówca
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native speaker
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w czasie tej lekcji
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in this lesson
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pretensjonalny (np. głos)
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a plummy voice sounds very upper-class
szafka kuchenna
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kitchen cabinet/ kitchen cupboard /kapbed/
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handbag /hanbag/
zgadzam się, pasuje mi
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I agree, it fits me
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hustle and bustle
the hustle and bustle of the market place
międzynarodowy alfabet fonetyczny
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IPA - international phonetic chart
wnikać coś
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to look at sth in detail
wyraźny, wyraźnie widoczny
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dzisiaj towarzyszy mi nauczyciel
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I’ve been joined today by teacher
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put/place a strain on somebody
Too much reading can put a strain on the eyes.
English alphabet
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26 letters; 44 sounds
pod waunkiem, że
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providing (that)
You can borrow the car, providing I can have it back by six o'clock.
za pośrednictwem elektronicznych środków
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through electronic means
dla kontrastu
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in contrast
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zamartwiać się czymś, martwić się czymś
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to be hung up ON sth
garść czegoś, niewielka ilość czegoś
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a handful of something
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zajmiemy się tematem wymowy
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we are looking at the topic of pronunciation
that has to do
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that's to do
mówić słowa w odosobnieniu
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to say a word in isolation
oba sposoby są poprawne
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either way is acceptable
przypuszczalnie, prawdopodobnie
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co się tam stało
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what's happened there...
na dłuższą metę
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postman /pousmn/
Westminster Abbey
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Westminster Abbey /wesminste/
już od dawna
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for a long time now
napisz na ten adres
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write to this address
jak już powiedziałam
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like I said
na ulicy
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on the street
podnieś poziom swojego angielskiego
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push your level of English up
wrzucić coś na ipoda
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put it onto your ipod
traktować protekcjonalnie
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to patronise
to talk to someone in a way which seems friendly but shows that you think they are not as intelligent or do not know as much as you
Don't patronize me!
w tym podkaście
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on this podcast
w odpowiedzi na coś
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in response to sth
spotykać się
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to get together
zakorzeniona tradycja
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well-established tradition
w razie nagłego wypadku
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In case of emergency
różne rzeczy
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all sorts of things
o dziwo, co dziwne
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strangely enough
oczywiście, w oczywisty sposób
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szczerze mówiąc
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frankly speaking
co zaskakujące
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amazingly enough
wyłączny dla
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to be exclusive TO sth
zwyczajny, powszedni, typowy (np. zachowanie, reakcja)
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przegapić okazję
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But I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity.
Nie rozłączaj się ze mną.
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Don't hang up on me.
przyzwyczaić się do czegoś
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to get accustomed to sth
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go to google/ go to the google search engine
podróżować metrem
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to be on the TUBE
domyślić się
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to work out
zmierzający na południe
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travelling or leading towards the south
oni zachowują się jak my
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They behave like us. They behave like we do.
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KIlometres, kiLOmetres
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London, the City (London's main business district)
nie cieszyć się popularnością wśród...
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to be unpopular with...
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to knock down
rów, wykop
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ditch, trench
nic dziwnego
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not surprisingly
otwór, wentyl, ujście
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ożywczy, orzeźwiający, inspirujący
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making you feel healthy and giving you a lot of energy
an invigorating swim before breakfast
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asthma /asma/
niemniej jednak, jednakże
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w kolejnych latach
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in the following days
wiercić dziurę
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to bore a hole
żeby uczcić rocznicę
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to mark the anniversary
Uważaj na głowę.
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Mind your head - the ceiling's a bit low.
wejść na ruchome schody
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to step onto an escalator
leżeć i nie spać
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lie awake
paczka czipsów
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a packet of crisps
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worst of all
lata mijają szybko
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years seem to go by quickly
wart zachodu, wart trudu
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We decided to give the money to a worthwhile cause (=one that helps people).
I thought it was worthwhile to clarify the matter.
kryzys wieku średniego
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mid-life crisis
zamieszkac z kims
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to move in with sb
Steve's going to move in with her.
wyrzucać coś
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It was broken so I chucked it out.
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to wade
to walk through water that is not deep.
w zrozumiały sposób
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to get sth across
It took him ages to get his point across.
obszerny, rozległy, szczegółowy
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through extensive reading and listening
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C-levels of the CEFR
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a corpus of spoken English; corpora
a large collection of written or spoken language, that is used for studying the language
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having little or no meaning in its own right, for example take in take a photograph
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at higher CEFR levels
nie ustępować
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to persist
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binomial expressions: These are typically two items connected by and
binominal expressions
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pros and cons, black and white
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in full; to the full
The debt must be paid in full.
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There is no obvious remedy for this
udoskonalić coś
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Mock trials help students perfect their legal skills.
wskazówki, poradnictwo
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to need guidance to do sth
duż kawałek sera
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a chunky piece of cheese
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