ula 10th Feb 2015

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kaszel PRODUKTYWNY (mokry / wilgotny)
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if you have a chesty cough, or if you are a bit chesty, you have a lot of mucus (=thick liquid) in your lungs
przyjazny dzieciom
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kręciliśmy film
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we were shooting a film
to nie jest niespodzianka
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isn't too much of surprise
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do you need an extra hand carrying it?
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well- deserved
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courtesy of SB
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I'm trying to hold it in
przebieg samochodu
the number of miles a vehicle has travelled since it was mad
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car mileage
Always check the mileage before you buy a secondhand car.
wpłynąć na coś...
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you've made a strong impact on our lives
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przyczepić się
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to go somewhere with someone, especially when they have not asked you to go with them [= tag on British English WITH sb

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