ula 15th Oct 2014

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/se:/ OR /ze:/
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ugryzłam się w język
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I cut / bit my tongue
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my legs feel weak
Metka swędzi mnie
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The label on this shirt itches me.
chcieć coś zrobić (inf)
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be itching to do something, be itching for something
He was itching for a fight.
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still or sparkling mineral water
co gorsza
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worse still / even worse
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migraine (u/ c)
He suffers from severe migraine.
ból ucha
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earache (sing, U)
I've got terrible earache and a sore throat.
iść do dentysty
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to see the dentist / to go to the dentist
próchnica zębów
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tooth decay (U), caries (U)
nieznośny, potworny ból
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excruciating pain
uśmierzyć ból
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pain relief
ostry dyżur
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to go to A&E
w obu przypadkach
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in EITHER case
bardzo kręcone włosy
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fuzzy hair is very curly and sticks straight up
rozmyty, niewyraźny
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fuzzy / blurred
if a sound or picture is fuzzy, it is unclear
zachorować na coś
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to come down with
to debilitate
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Progress has been debilitated by a refusal to share ideas.
to feel debilitating
piec o oczach
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Chopping onions makes my eyes sting.
złagodzić objawy
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relieve symptoms
zadziałać, załatwić sprawę (być odpowiednim rozwiązaniem)
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it should do the trick
suszyć, spiekać, przypalać, prażyć
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to parch
odzyskać oddech
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to get my breath back
skłonny do mdłości, powodujący mdłości
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feeling that you are going to vomit
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if a baby gurgles, it makes a happy low sound in its throat
yellow characters in despicable me
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minions /minions/
rozmawiać z kimś
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to speak to somebody about something
to speak with sb AmE
naciśnij call
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push / press CALL
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fishy / suspicious
There's something very fishy about him.
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receipt /ri-SI:t/
dokładnie spojrzeć na coś
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to take a good look at sth
przejrzeć książkę
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to flip through the book

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