Unable to learn a language

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Victor Junior
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My first language teacher was awful, Ola told Karolina about it for the hundredth time. In the first term she. I know. She took all the notebooks and when she gave them back she showed your notebook as a negative example.
Victor Junior
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Karolina finished the story and continued Olka think about it. In my opinion your C should be B. At least. But I'm unable to learn a language Ola began. Yeah, just repeat it three times more and you'll believe it!
Victor Junior
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Don't take an offence Karolina decided to speak her mind, but someone must tell you the truth. It's not that you can't learn. It's your excuse for being lazy. That's what it's like! What? How dare you! Ola felt as if she was to burst into tears.
Victor Junior
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But when her friend left, Ola sat on the bed and started thinking. Maybe she's right? Maybe it's not that I'm not good at it? I remember English lyrics. I know what they mean. Why can't I learn on the lessons?
Victor Junior
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Maybe it's really simply an excuse? She took her English coursebook and despite it was winter holiday, she looked up what they talked about on the last lesson.
Victor Junior
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Maybe it's like with inferiority complex? You convince yourself you're worse and you believe it, but it's not true? In the evening she texted Karoline. There was one world only. Thanks.

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