unit 1

 0    17 schede    wiolettastopinska
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Domanda Risposta
base something on something
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opierać coś na czymś
bring people together
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jednoczenie ludzi
by the time
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od chwili
channel resources into something
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to use energy and effort to a particular purpose
a common desire
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wspólne pragnienie
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wspaniały / niespotykany / niezwykły
get to the top
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dostać się na szczyt
go on to do something
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to do stomething after first doing something else
growth rate
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Dynamika wzrostu
high achever
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successful person who acheved a lot
highly gifted
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bardzo utalentowany
take something fo granted
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using something all the time without thinkinh how useful and amazing is it
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tak więc / tym samym
a vast range
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szeroki zakres
vocational training
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kształcenie zawodowe

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