UNIT 10 nie do wpisywania, dluzsze

 0    15 schede    bytommagdalena
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if you suspect sth is true
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you think it probably isn't true
if you consider someone to be attractive
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that is your opinion
if you doubt sth that you've heard
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you think it might be true but you aren't sure
if you recollect an experience
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you think about it at a later time (recollect - przypomnieć sobie)
if you contemplate your future
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you think about it for quite a long time
if you analyse a problem
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you think about it in a logical way
if you memorise a number
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you learn it so that you won't forget it
if you can't comprehend something
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you don't understand it
if somebody reminds you of another person
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they make you think of that other person
if an idea occurs to you
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it comes into your mind suddenly
solve a problem or how something ends
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work out
to make an error, to do something wrong
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mess up
to talk endlessly about someone or sth
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go on
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make up
natknąć się
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come across

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