Unit 12 plmqaz

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To come under criticism
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to be the object of criticism The Chancellor came under fierce criticism from the Commons.
To oppose
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to disagree with something or someone, often by speaking or fighting against them The proposed new exam system has been vigorously opposed by teachers.
Adj: opposed Noun:
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cows and bulls that are kept for their milk or meat twenty head of cattle (= twenty cows) The prisoners were herded into trucks like cattle.
To ascertain
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to find out the true or correct information about something It can be difficult to ascertain the facts. It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law. Adj: ascertainable Noun: ascertainment
To poach
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1) to cook food gently in a small amount of liquid Do you like pears poached in red wine? 2) to illegally hunt birds, animals or fish on somebody else's property or without permission The elephants are poached for their tusks 3) to take and use somebody/something that belongs to somebody/something else, especially in a secret, dishonest or unfair way The company poached the contract from their main rivals I hope I'm not poaching on your territory (= doing something that is actually your responsi
Humane (adj)-
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showing kindness, care, and sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering The humane way of dealing with a suffering animal (= the way that causes the least pain) is to kill it quickly. Humanely (adv) I don't support the death penalty, but if people are to be executed, it should be done humanely
Captive (noun, adj)
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1) a person or animal whose ability to move or act freely is limited by being closed in a space; a prisoner, especially a person held by the enemy during a war When the town was recaptured, we found soldiers who had been captives for several years. 2) to hold/take sb captive- to keep someone as a prisoner or make someone a prisoner The terrorists were holding several diplomats captive.
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an animal that produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm. Snakes, crocodiles and tortoises are all reptiles. Adj: reptilian (our reptilian ancestors) He licked his lips in an unpleasantly reptilian way.
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the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries The two countries have signed a trade agreement for one year only.
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moving towards a higher position, level, or value With an upward trend in inflation, you expect prices to rise.
Savage (Noun)-
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an offensive word for somebody who belongs to a people that is simple and not developed The development of the human race from primitive savage.
Savage (Adj)-
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aggressive and violent; causing great harm; involving very strong criticism She had been badly hurt in what police described as ‘a savage attack’.
To put sb out
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1) to cause somebody trouble, extra work, etc. I hope our arriving late didn't put them out. 2) to make somebody unconscious These pills should put him out for a few hours To give off something to produce something such as a smell, heat, light, etc. The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume.
To bring something about
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to make something happen What brought about the change in his attitude?
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to get off a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle He dismounted his horse and tied it to a tree.
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the extra force that you give to a word or part of a word when you are saying it: The emphasis is on the final syllable.
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(often of something bad) intentional or planned We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.
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to stay at or near a particular level Inflation is hovering at three percent.
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to show or experience great surprise or admiration We paused to marvel at the view.
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describes something that is better than any other of its type peerless beauty/ability
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(especially of a desire or need) too great to be satisfied Like so many politicians, he had an insatiable appetite/desire/hunger for power.
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to make someone have strong feelings of shock or of disapproval I was appalled at/by the lack of staff in the hospital.
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a member of your family I haven't got many blood relatives (= people related to me by birth rather than by marriage).
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to deal with a situation, a person, an area of work or a strong emotion A new man was appointed to handle the crisis.
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a small poisonous snake When she saw a viper she started screaming.
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a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning it or lifting it I can't get the lid off this jar.
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ready or made available when needed Financial support was not forthcoming.
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very sad her sorrowful eyes
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the quality of being good and of deserving praise, reward or admiration The plan is entirely without merit.
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public attention and interest She's been in the limelight recently, following the release of her controversial new film.
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If people or emotions are genuine, they are honest and sincere He's a very genuine person.
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(a piece of) film especially one showing an event Woody Allen's film 'Zelig' contains early newsreel footage.
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causing worry The disquieting situation between these two neighbouring countries looks set to continue.
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the state of being near in space or time The best thing about the location of the house is its proximity to the town centre.
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a fat creature that lives in wet places and fastens itself onto the bodies of humans and animals to feed on their blood Leeches was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients.
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a man He's a friendly sort of a chap.
Stimulating –
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To rouse to activity or heightened action, as by spurring or goading; excite. It stimulates blood circulation and relaxes the muscles
To rocket up Through the ranks
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– to go up in relative position in a society. He rocket up through the ranks becoming the best
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– To give or allow the use of temporarily on the condition that the same or its equivalent will be returned. I lend her my favorite jacket, and she will gave me it back next Friday
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– nature Colorful pictures depict the varied wildlife of the area.
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– Not likely to develop in a desirable manner This relationship is developing unpromisingly, they will soon break up
Sack –
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A large bag of strong coarse material for holding objects in bulk. He brought potatoes from a shop in a sack
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– amusing The children staged an entertaining puppet show.
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– To give spiritual or intellectual insight to In his novel a comet hits the earth and everyone becomes more spiritually enlightened.
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– To restore confidence to. reassured by the fact that no-one disagreed with me.
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– zagrzać z korzeniami (np. alkohol)
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– Causing or capable of causing fear;
frightening s
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- An example of fearful is the look on the face of someone who's frightened of height
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– To burn with or as if with hot liquid or steam. Set the temperature of your hot water heater to 6 degrees to prevent possible scalds.
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– To make steady progress; prosper. A large number of plants and animals positively thrive here and are very well adapted to urban life.
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– To know or identify from past experience or knowledge recognizable symbol of fun and friendships; of the night of laughter.
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– So desirable as to arouse envy He had the enviable position of assistant to a famous film director
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– ssak Human is an example of the mammal
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– Brought from wildness into a domesticated or tractable state. The lion seemed tame, but we were still cautious
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– o make known (something concealed or secret) My traditional cheesecake recipe has been a secret but I will reveal the recipe on one condition.
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– Moving, acting, or occurring with great speed The dog's rapid movements made him very difficult to catch.
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difficult and full of problems; Pearl's rocky relationship with language is powerfully evoked.
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time at which a particular game starts; One of the most important things a team leader can do is find time to kick off the start of the project with the project team.
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disturb the normal position of (a bone in a joint); Get too much of a swirling motion going here and you can dislocate your wrist.
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to injure (a joint) by a sudden twisting or wrenching of its ligaments; He left in a wheelchair after spraining an ankle.
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an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken; If you ever bruise yourself, sprain your ankle, tear cartilage or fracture a bone learn which fruit can help reduce pain and swelling.
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confirm or support (something which has been questioned); maintain Legal experts have described the High Court's decision to uphold the Federal Government's WorkChoices legislation as a historic.
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reject the decision or argument of (someone); He overruled the decision of the court of appeal.
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impressively splendid They put the town on the edge of the lake thus giving every shop a superb view and secondly they decided that only businesses selling high class food.
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not likely to change or fail; firmly established; It is wonderful to see her in a strong and stable relationship instead of a dysfunctional one.
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extra playing time allowed by a referee to compensate for time lost in dealing with injuries; Oleg Gusev missed Ukraine's last chance to level in injury time.
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(of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceptible; The faint smell of roasting meat from the kitchen brought on a strong desire for the immediate satisfaction of my hunger.
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when something smells old and damp; A dark musty library. sweeping changes - those which are large and very important or significant; The new government has started to make sweeping changes in the economy.

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