Unit 2 Musical instruments

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a musical instrument played by moving the ends of a box in and out while pressing keys and buttons
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someone who plays the accordion
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a large musical instrument with strings, held between the legs by someone who is sitting and played by pulling an object called a bow across the strings
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a musical instrument consisting of a long black tube that you play by blowing into it as you press its keys
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Someone who plays the clarinet
double bass
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a large musical instrument shaped like a violin that you rest on the floor and play standing up by pulling a bow across its strings
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a musical instrument consisting of a tight skin stretched over a round frame that you hit with your hands or a stick
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Someone who plays a drum
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a musical instrument that you hold sideways to your mouth and play by blowing over a hole at one end as you press its keys
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Someone who plays the flute
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a musical instrument with six strings, used in a wide variety of musical styles
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Someone who plays the guitar
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a musical instrument that has a keyboard, especially an electric piano
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a large musical instrument with pipes of different length, played by pressing keys on it
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Someone who plays an organ
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a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys that produce notes when you press them
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Someone who plays the piano
piano player
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someone who plays popular music or jazz
grand piano
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a type of large piano with its strings in a case parallel to the floor, usually used for concerts
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a musical instrument consisting of a long curved metal tube that you play by blowing into it as you press its keys with your fingers
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a musical instrument that you shake or hit with your hand, consisting of a round frame with a skin stretched over it and small pieces of metal around the edge
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a musical instrument consisting of two metal tubes shaped like the letter U that fit into each other, with one tube wide at one end. You play it by blowing into it as you slide one of the tubes forwards and backwards. A trombone is a brass instrument.
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Someone who plays the trombone
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a musical instrument that is a curved metal tube with a wide end. You play it by blowing into it as you press buttons on the top
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Someone who plays the trumpet
trumpet player
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Someone who plays the trumpet
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a large musical instrument that is a curved metal tube with a wide open end. You play it by blowing into it as you press buttons on the top. A tuba is a brass instrument.
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a musical instrument that you hold under your chin and play by pulling a long object called a bow across its strings.
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Someone who plays a violin
wind instrument
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a musical instrument that you play by blowing through it. Clarinets, saxophones, and flutes are wind instruments.
stringed instrument
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one of a group of musical instruments that have strings, for example the guitar and the violin

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