US Patriot act

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Domanda Risposta
zmniejszenie, obniżka
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abatement [of costs]
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detriment [of secutity]
ze szkodą dla kogoś
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in detriment to sb
obalać, wywracać [system finansowy]
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to subvert [legitimate financial system]
zagraniczne konta/banki
inizia ad imparare
offshore accounts/banking
zamaskować, przebranie [prawdziwe intencje]
inizia ad imparare
disguise [real intention]
Przemyt = szmuglowanie
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żerować na
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to prey on/upon [good will of people]
dotyczyć, obejmować
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to involve [The issue involving the poorest people]
podatny, wrażliwy
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susceptible [The exchange market is susceptible for changes]
arkusz kalkulacyjny
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trzymać pieniądze w raju podatkowym
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to bank offshore
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fortfeiture [Z. Ziobro is going to implement fortfeiture of fund derived from crime]
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to contravene [the purposes of act]
wybieg, wykręt
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evasion [your answer is evasion from real problem]
kontrola, analiza ("skrót")
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scrutiny [You should make scrutiny of quality of your emploees work]
dopasowany, krawiec
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tailored [Your tie is tailored to your suit]
schronienie, port (film Pearl H...)
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ukrywać, udzielać schronienia
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to harbor [homeless]
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pursuant [officer]
na mocy, zgodnie z
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pursuant to the act
umówić spotkanie
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to set the appointment
wystawienie, emisja
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issuance [of bond]
odpadać, odpaść
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to be off
objętość, zakres („głos”)
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volume of transaction
dlatego, więc
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data wejścia w życie
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date of enactment of act
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invoked [Financial crisis has been invoked by audit companies)
poradzić sobie z czymś
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to handle
uchwyt (od ręki0
inizia ad imparare
uznać, sądzić że
inizia ad imparare
to deem [Bill Gates is deemed as the richest men]
inizia ad imparare
umieścić in inglese
to insert [the cartige following the instruction]

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