US wholesale inflation heated up again last month

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The acceleration in the prices producers pay for goods and services highlights the persistence of inflation, the bumpy path to bring it lower.
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(adj) (of a surface) not even, with a lot of bumps
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strip out
When stripping out the more volatile components of food and energy, the closely watched “core” index moved higher for the third consecutive month.
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(verb) to take off or remove the layer
Wed’s hotter than expected CPI stoked concerns that both inflation and interest rates will remain higher for longer.
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(verb) add fuel to/ mend
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live up to
Despite the “last mile” living up to its arduous expectations, the Fed still has a potential soft landing, where the inflation is tamped down without a surge in unemployment.
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(verb) to do as well as or be as good as other people expect you to
buckle (under something)
The labor market didn’t buckle under the crushing weigh of rapidly higher interest rates, instead, it remained historically strong.
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(verb) to become damaged or broken under a weight or force
Despite the “last mile” living up to its arduous expectations, the Fed still has a potential soft landing.
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(adj) involving a lot of effort and energy
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