used of 'sound'

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z tego co wiem/słyszłam
basing your ideas on information you have heard or read
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by the sound of it
By the sound of it, we're all getting a pay rise at the end of this month!
(nikt) nie widział ani słyszał o
nobody has seen or heard from [someone]
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not a sight or sound of [someone]
Does anyone know where Ebru is? There's not been sight or sound of her all week.
brzmi dziwnie
seems unusual
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sounds strange
I know it sounds strange, but I've never been on social media.
nie podoba mi się [coś]
is unhappy about a situation he has heard about
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doesn't like the sound of [something]
What do you mean we're going to be working weekends from now on?! I don't like the sound of that.
wybadać, posłuchać pomysłów
talk to someone to find out their thoughts and ideas
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sound out
I'm having a bit of a problem at work - is OK if I come round later and sound you out about it?
wydaje się
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brzmieć, słyszeć
something that can be heard
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brzmi tak, jakby to była prawda
appears to be true, based on what you have heard
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sounds like/as though

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