uses of 'round'

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begins to accept something previously rejected
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comes round
I used to hate the thought of living in London, but I think I'm coming round to the idea - it's not such a bad place!
więcej lub mniej; raczej; w okrężny sposób
more or less; sort of
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in a roundabout kind of way
In a roundabout way, he told me that he didn't want to go out with me anymore.
doprowadzają mnie do szału
making me very annoyed
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driving me around the bend
I can't wait until my kids go back to school - they are driving me around the bend.
wybierać się to
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going round to
I'm going round to my mum's a bit later, so I'll ask if she's got any eggs we can borrow.
finish; complete (something)
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round off
It's been such a perfect day - let's have a barbecue to round it off.
całą dobę
all day and all night
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round the clock
Don't worry, you're safe. We've arranged police protection round the clock.
w kółko
moving in a circular direction
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round and round
zwracać się
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round face
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zaokrąglić w górę / w dół
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round up / down
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dookoła; ze wszystkich stron
on all sides (of something)
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all a round

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