uses of 'turn'

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punkt zwrotny (zmiana kierunku)
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turning point (changing direction)
zmienić na gorsze
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take a turn for the worse
I think we need to call the vet - Rover has taken a turn for the worse and I think he's really suffering.
odwrócić się (odrzucić)
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turn her nose up (reject)
I'm not cooking for her again - the last time I did she just turned her nose up at the meal, and made herself a sandwich - it was so rude!
osiągać (pewien wiek)
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turned (become a certain age)
I can't believe you're turned 18 next week - I remember when you were just starting school!
travel in the direction they came from
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turn back
I really think we should turn back - it's getting dark and we're not going to get there in time. We can try again tomorrow.
przymykać oko (ignorować)
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turn a blind eye (ignore)
I know Bill turns up late for work every day, but I'm turning a blind eye at the moment because I know he has some problems at home.
pojawiać się (przybywać)
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turn up (arrive)
okazuje się (zostaje odkryta)
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turn out (is discovered to be)
zamienia się (zmiany; ropoczynanie)
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turn into (changes; becomes)
obrót (ruch ciała)
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turns (move your body)
z kolei (w wyniku)
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in turn (as a result)
obrót wydarzeń (wynik sytuacji)
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turn of events (outcome of a situation)

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