Valentine's Day in the UK v=TRt04yjo-Hg

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Domanda Risposta
najbliżsi / ci, których kochamy
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your loved ones
okazja / szansa
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opportunity to do sth
troszczyć się o kogoś
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to care FOR sb = to take care of sb
mniej więcej / z grubsza
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znak zapytania
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question mark
cichy wielbiciel
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secret admirer
"from your secret admirer"
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to admire sb FOR sth
być szczerym
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be upfront
Mo's very upfront WITH him ABOUT their relationship.
był powszechnie uważany...
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he was widely thought to be...
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stuffed toays
wysokie oczekiwania
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high expectations
na odwrót
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vice versa / the other way round

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